Friday, February 6, 2009

Are there three??


NatureNut said...

Pretty much impossible to tell!

Mits said...

still looks like 2 to me....

movin said...

Hi, Deb. Great video. Great pictures too, but you can't see the eggs "quite" as well as in the video.

I think I actually saw Belle going through the "moves" to laying the egg for a few minutes right after 6 P.M. EST; and I posted a comment about 6:05.

She had her wings out as though tenting (I actually looked at the weather for the area...nothing), and she made some side-to-side moves at the same time ... like you would expect from a bird laying a large egg. AND then she immediately looked under herself in the direction of the eggs. I couldn't see the eggs though.

Then she started looking up into the tree above as though at Liberty and moving her beak ... no sound at the time, darn it!

So, I think it was between 6:00 and 6:10 EST, but it wasn't until you and Paula posted the pictures that I actually saw the third one.

Thanks. [:~D]

